First, I am sorry, but this is not reproductable. This has been happen to
me twice, but it seem it is not reproductable.
jaa @ eowyn 51 $ svn --version
Subversion Client, version 0.11.1 (dev build)
compiled Apr 14 2002, 16:04:31
(Version 1701)
db 4.0.14
apache, apr, apr-util, cvs co at 14.04.2002 (2.0.35+)
There errors are following:
So first one is this error message during svn commit via http
[Sun Apr 14 20:15:10 2002] [error] [client] Could not CHECKOUT
resource /svn/repos/$svn/bln/4. [409, #0]
[Sun Apr 14 20:15:10 2002] [error] [client] (2)No such file or
directory: The specified activity does not exist. [409, #211
And the second is this one during svn commit by local interface:
jaa @ eowyn 25 $ svn ci -m 'foobar' neilikka.txt
Sending neilikka.txt
svn_error: #21062 : <Filesystem has no such node-rev-id>
Commit failed (details follow):
svn_error: #21062 : <Filesystem has no such node-rev-id>
reference to non-existent node `762.2' in filesystem
I attach excatly log what I have done to cause that second one, for the
first one I don't have samekind log.
In general the basic idea is however same:
I made import in the dir by file:// url, and after that chdir upward dir,
where I managed to import several time same dir to same locigal place in
the repository (via http).
After that I checkout working copy of repository, and when trying commit
change back to repository, those errors arised.
BR, Jani
[16:09:51] ~/data/svn
jaa @ eowyn 18 $ svnadmin create repo1
[16:10:03] ~/data/svn
jaa @ eowyn 20 $ chmod a+rwx -R repo1
[16:19:57] ~/txt
jaa @ eowyn 12 $ svn import -m 'foobar' file:///home/data/jaa/svn/repo1/ txt
svn_error: #21018 : <Unknown svn_node_kind>
'txt' does not exist.
[16:20:05] ~/txt
jaa @ eowyn 13 $ svn import -m 'foobar' file:///home/data/jaa/svn/repo1/txt
svn_error: #21061 : <Filesystem has no such file>
file not found: transaction `1', path `/txt/MyrskyLuodonMaija.txt'
[16:20:15] ~/txt
jaa @ eowyn 14 $ svn import -m 'foobar' file:///home/data/jaa/svn/repo1/ . txt
Adding ./txt
Adding ./txt/Mylly.txt
Adding ./txt/AlaSanoEttaRakastat.txt
Adding ./txt/neilikka.txt
Adding ./txt/Lasi.txt
Adding ./txt/Kurski.txt
Adding ./txt/NoManIsAnIland.txt
Adding ./txt/muza.txt
Adding ./txt/KiltitMiehet.txt
Adding ./txt/losers_and_winners.txt
Adding ./txt/rakkaudesta.txt
Adding ./txt/Koirasoturit.txt
Adding ./txt/MyrskyLuodonMaija.txt
Adding ./txt/ascii_ribbon.txt
Transmitting file data .............
Committed revision 1.
[16:20:42] ~/txt
jaa @ eowyn 15 $ svn import file:///home/data/jaa/svn/repo1/ . txt
svn_error: #21115 : <No external editor available>
Could not use external editor to fetch log message; consider setting the $SVN_EDITOR environment variable or using the --message (-m) or --file (-F) options.
svn_error: #21115 : <No external editor available>
Could not find an external text editor in the usual environment variables (searched SVN_EDITOR, EDITOR, VISUAL, in that order)
[16:20:57] ~/txt
jaa @ eowyn 16 $ export EDITOR=vi
[16:21:13] ~/txt
jaa @ eowyn 17 $ export EDITOR=vim
[16:21:17] ~/txt
jaa @ eowyn 18 $ svn import file:///home/data/jaa/svn/repo1/ . txt
Log message unchanged or not specified
a)bort, c)ontinue, e)dit
[16:21:24] ~/txt
jaa @ eowyn 19 $ svn import file:///home/data/jaa/svn/repo1/ . txt
Log message unchanged or not specified
a)bort, c)ontinue, e)dit
svn_error: #21068 : <File already exists in revision>
file already exists: filesystem `/home/data/jaa/svn/repo1/db', transaction `3', path `txt'
[16:21:27] ~/txt
jaa @ eowyn 20 $ svn import file:///home/data/jaa/svn/repo1/ .
Log message unchanged or not specified
a)bort, c)ontinue, e)dit
Adding ./Mylly.txt
Adding ./AlaSanoEttaRakastat.txt
Adding ./neilikka.txt
Adding ./Lasi.txt
Adding ./Kurski.txt
Adding ./NoManIsAnIland.txt
Adding ./muza.txt
Adding ./KiltitMiehet.txt
Adding ./losers_and_winners.txt
Adding ./rakkaudesta.txt
Adding ./Koirasoturit.txt
Adding ./MyrskyLuodonMaija.txt
Adding ./ascii_ribbon.txt
Transmitting file data .............
Committed revision 2.
[16:21:45] ~/txt
jaa @ eowyn 21 $ cd ..
[16:21:48] ~
jaa @ eowyn 22 $ svn import file:///home/data/jaa/svn/repo1/txt txt/
Log message unchanged or not specified
a)bort, c)ontinue, e)dit
svn_error: #21068 : <File already exists in revision>
file already exists: filesystem `/home/data/jaa/svn/repo1/db', transaction `5', path `/txt/MyrskyLuodonMaija.txt'
[16:21:57] ~
jaa @ eowyn 23 $ svn import file:///home/data/jaa/svn/repo1/ txt
Log message unchanged or not specified
a)bort, c)ontinue, e)dit
svn_error: #21068 : <File already exists in revision>
file already exists: filesystem `/home/data/jaa/svn/repo1/db', transaction `6', path `M
[16:22:09] ~
jaa @ eowyn 24 $ svn import -m 'foobar' http://localhost/svn/repos/txt txt/
svn_error: #21088 : <RA layer request failed>
OPTIONS request failed on /svn/repos/txt
svn_error: #21088 : <RA layer request failed>
OPTIONS of /svn/repos/txt: could not connect to server
[16:10:20] /opt/apache/httpd-2.0
root @ eowyn 9 # bin/apachectl start
bin/apachectl start: httpd started
[16:23:04] /opt/apache/httpd-2.0
[16:22:55] ~
jaa @ eowyn 25 $ svn import -m 'foobar' http://localhost/svn/repos/txt txt/
Adding ./Mylly.txt
Adding ./AlaSanoEttaRakastat.txt
Adding ./neilikka.txt
Adding ./Lasi.txt
Adding ./Kurski.txt
Adding ./NoManIsAnIland.txt
Adding ./muza.txt
Adding ./KiltitMiehet.txt
Adding ./losers_and_winners.txt
Adding ./rakkaudesta.txt
Adding ./Koirasoturit.txt
Adding ./MyrskyLuodonMaija.txt
Adding ./ascii_ribbon.txt
Transmitting file data .............
Committed revision 3.
[16:23:16] ~
jaa @ eowyn 26 $ svn import -m 'foobar' http://localhost/svn/repos/txt/ txt/
Adding ./Mylly.txt
Adding ./AlaSanoEttaRakastat.txt
Adding ./neilikka.txt
Adding ./Lasi.txt
Adding ./Kurski.txt
Adding ./NoManIsAnIland.txt
Adding ./muza.txt
Adding ./KiltitMiehet.txt
Adding ./losers_and_winners.txt
Adding ./rakkaudesta.txt
Adding ./Koirasoturit.txt
Adding ./MyrskyLuodonMaija.txt
Adding ./ascii_ribbon.txt
Transmitting file data .............
Committed revision 4.
[16:23:35] ~
jaa @ eowyn 27 $
jaa @ eowyn 21 $ svn co file:///home/data/jaa/svn/repo1/txt
A txt/MyrskyLuodonMaija.txt
A txt/ascii_ribbon.txt
A txt/Mylly.txt
A txt/neilikka.txt
A txt/AlaSanoEttaRakastat.txt
A txt/Kurski.txt
A txt/Lasi.txt
A txt/NoManIsAnIland.txt
A txt/KiltitMiehet.txt
A txt/muza.txt
A txt/losers_and_winners.txt
A txt/Koirasoturit.txt
A txt/rakkaudesta.txt
[16:24:35] ~/junk/tmp
jaa @ eowyn 22 $ cd txt/
[16:24:37] ~/junk/tmp/txt
jaa @ eowyn 23 $ ls
AlaSanoEttaRakastat.txt Koirasoturit.txt losers_and_winners.txt MyrskyLuodonMaija.txt rakkaudesta.txt
ascii_ribbon.txt Kurski.txt muza.txt neilikka.txt
KiltitMiehet.txt Lasi.txt Mylly.txt NoManIsAnIland.txt
[16:24:38] ~/junk/tmp/txt
jaa @ eowyn 24 $ date >> neilikka.txt
[16:24:43] ~/junk/tmp/txt
jaa @ eowyn 25 $ svn ci -m 'foobar' neilikka.txt
Sending neilikka.txt
svn_error: #21062 : <Filesystem has no such node-rev-id>
Commit failed (details follow):
svn_error: #21062 : <Filesystem has no such node-rev-id>
reference to non-existent node `762.2' in filesystem `/home/data/jaa/svn/repo1/db'
[16:25:00] ~/junk/tmp/txt
jaa @ eowyn 26 $
Jani Averbach
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Received on Mon Apr 15 17:24:17 2002