At 11:01 AM 4/13/02 -0700, Nathan Fiedler wrote:
>I think it is important to point out that getting Subversion configured,
>compiled, and installed, is quite challenging. Especially if you're like
>me and you haven't done C programming in a few years.
If you take a look at,
you'll find a build script that makes building Subversion, even with a
server, much simpler. It requires a bootstrap Subversion client, a Java
interpreter on your system, and an installation of Ant 1.4.1 which you can
get from
Once they are installed and you've set JAVA_HOME and ANT_HOME environmental
variables to point to them, then perform these first time tasks:
1. Run "cvs -d login"
and give a password of "anoncvs"
2. Copy build.xml and to some directory you wish to
build in
3. Adjust the first few lines of (and probably the
install directories farther down) to match your environment
After doing that, anytime you want a whole new build of Subversion from
scratch, you just:
1. Run "ant" from the directory with build.xml in it.
Assuming you haven't changed the default settings, this will download all
of the support libraries and copy them into place, fetch httpd 2.0 from CVS
and build it, pull the head of Subversion and build it, and then test the
whole works. It is really pretty simple to use. There is also a paranoid
setting for getting rid of the shared libraries, but it is turned off by
default because it is dangerous. You can break your client that way.
Note that the script can't bootstrap the Subversion client because there is
no predictable download URL, sorry about that. You'll still have to do that
part manually. I'll add a bootstrap target if anyone can give me a reliable
"svn-latest.tar.gz" or "svn-r${version}.tar.gz" URL to download it from.
Some random number in a "dlID" is too likely to change for me to add it to
the script.
If the script doesn't work for you or if building Subversion is still too
difficult, let me know what the problem is and I'll try to fix it if I can.
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Received on Sun Apr 14 03:10:51 2002