Greg Stein wrote:
>On Thu, Apr 11, 2002 at 05:47:02PM +0200, Joaquin Salvachua wrote:
>>I was thinking of a only java version. But, as you
>>mention, a JNI interface to some parts will speed up
>>the process. Later some reengineering and replacement
>>of blocks is possible.
>What would be the point of reengineering/replacing? Just so it can be in
>Java? IMO, that is a waste of time. But if you have that time, then please
>feel free :-)
>Instead, I think it is much better to have just a single implementation, and
>then be able to call that from all the languages that people may want to
>use. That includes Java, Python, Perl, Ruby, Tcl, etc.
>-Greg "Why Do Java People Always Want to Rewrite the World?" Stein
Or, a quote from "The Pragmatic Programmer": The DRY principle. DO NOT
Received on Fri Apr 12 09:32:11 2002