Mark Benedetto King <> writes:
> On Tue, Mar 12, 2002 at 04:17:21PM -0600, Karl Fogel wrote:
> > > What I personally,
> > > need is several different sets of proxy configurations: one for at home,
> > > one for at work-site A, and one for at work-site B. Having multiple
> > > includes would allow me to neatly separate out this complexity, but
> > > I'd still need to be able to tell subversion "use HOME config", or "use
> > > SITE-A config".
> >
> > Using a separate `proxies' file gives you what you need here, right?
> >
> Only if I juggle them myself. I suppose that's reasonable, but I
> have this pipe dream of being able to set an environment variable
> called "SITE" at login time (based off of my DHCP info), and then
> having all of my applications DTRT.
> As it is, I have to change umpteen proxy-configuration files,
> one for each network-aware application, except for those that
> use getenv("http_proxy"), which we all know is insufficient
> for complex proxying scenarios.
> I suppose I could change all of them automatically when SITE
> changes, but wouldn't it be neat if I didn't have to do that?
If Subversion used an SVN_CONFIG_DIR environment variable to override
the default ~/.subversion/ then you could maintain multiple
configurations in different directories (possibly with any common
files linked together) and choose which to use with something like
'export SVN_CONFIG_DIR=$HOME/.subversion/$SITE/'.
This won't work if the configuration is all just one big file.
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Received on Tue Mar 12 23:58:34 2002