Karl Fogel <kfogel@newton.ch.collab.net> writes:
> Greg Stein <gstein@lyra.org> writes:
> > I might also suggest that you put this stuff into ./configure/proxies
> > instead, and set up the config file like:
> Hmmm, yeah, this is a specific instance of the general question: do we
> want separate files under .subversion/ for different kinds of
> configurations, or do we want a single .subversion/config with lots of
> sections? (Either way, every config file supports sections, of
> course.)
> It seems like a bikeshed to me, I confess, but maybe there's a
> convincing argument for why one way is better. Anyone care?
Given different files as opposed to different sections of a single
file, you can more quickly find the "section" you're looking for (no
need to parse)", but perhaps more importantly, there may be some
"sections" that are consistent for user across all the machines they
work on (automatically adding --quiet to commands, for example), and
some "sections" not (proxy stuff, for example). Using seperate files
allows them to more easily keep pieces of their subversion config
under version control, where they can share that "section" across all
the machines they work on.
My $0.02.
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Received on Tue Mar 12 20:48:01 2002