shell log-
[jay@jay_is_a_red_commie svn]$ svn co -d testing
jay's password:
[jay@jay_is_a_red_commie svn]$ cd testing/
[jay@jay_is_a_red_commie testing]$ touch test
[jay@jay_is_a_red_commie testing]$ svn add test
A test
[jay@jay_is_a_red_commie testing]$ svn commit
Adding /home/jay/Development/svn/testing/test
Committed revision 1.
[jay@jay_is_a_red_commie testing]$ svn propset svn:keywords
LastChangedDate test property `svn:keywords' set on 'test'
[jay@jay_is_a_red_commie testing]$ vi test
[jay@jay_is_a_red_commie testing]$ svn commit
username: jay
jay's password:
Sending /home/jay/Development/svn/testing/test
Committed revision 2.
[jay@jay_is_a_red_commie testing]$ ls
[jay@jay_is_a_red_commie testing]$ cat test
$LastChangedDate: Thu 28 Feb 2002 23:16:57 $
[jay@jay_is_a_red_commie testing]$ echo '$LastChangedDate: $' > test2
[jay@jay_is_a_red_commie testing]$ echo '$LastChangedBy: $' >> test2
[jay@jay_is_a_red_commie testing]$ svn add test2
A test2
[jay@jay_is_a_red_commie testing]$ svn propset svn:keywords
'LastChangedDate LastChangedBy' test2
property `svn:keywords' set on 'test2'
[jay@jay_is_a_red_commie testing]$ svn commit
The commit message has been stored in this location:
svn_error: #21082 : <RA layer request failed>
commit failed: wc locks and tmpfiles have been removed.
svn_error: #21082 : <RA layer request failed>
commit failed: while sending tree-delta to repos.
svn_error: #21082 : <RA layer request failed>
The CHECKOUT request failed (http #409) (/svn/testing/$svn/ver/0.0/)
Both client and server are 0.9.0
This a redhat machine (hence the system name), and I built the source
myself with '--with-ssl=/usr'
Nothing else I can think of...
Jay McCarthy <>
aim: rasarasda / irc: feelicks
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Received on Sat Oct 21 14:37:10 2006