Build script: why does this fail
From: Bruce Atherton <>
Date: 2002-02-21 03:22:14 CET
I am developing an Ant build script for Subversion. What it does is suck
What it doesn't do is build Subversion. It runs "" alright, but when it goes on to "configure", I get the following message:
[exec] configure: Apache Portable Runtime (APR) library configuration
Manually running configure after this, I get the same message:
configure: Apache Portable Runtime (APR) library configuration
Can anyone give me some clues on what is going wrong here?
Another question about automated builds: the current suggestion is that all the Subversion libraries be removed from /usr/local/lib before building a new client. That makes me very nervous, though. What happens if the build fails? Am I going to hose the client by doing this?
This is an archived mail posted to the Subversion Dev mailing list.
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