Karl Fogel wrote:
>I wrote:
>>But I'd like to second Philip's comments: the issue here isn't that
>>the changes aren't well thought-out, it's that people are expecting
>Sigh, and once again it turns out there was no need to write it,
>because Branko beat me to it in a separate thread... Sorry 'bout that.
>I did read all of the orginal thread first, at least. :-)
>>In short: we have to define a set of target platforms for 1.0, and try
>>to find machines to test on. I can help with Win32, HP-UX and Solaris,
>>maybe AIX with a bit of luck.
>Branko, are you doing automated "make; make check" on these platforms?
>Do you want to be?
I'm not doing it, but I plan to grab some space on those machines and
set it up.
>I've been thinking it's time to set up an automated build/test system,
>that would mail nightly results to a new list
> svn-breakage@subversion.tigris.org
>or something. The most important of the automated platforms would be
>Windows, because it's what we break most often. How hard would it be
>to set up automated build and mailoff on Windows?
The biggest problem is that the Pyhon tests don't work on Windows right
now. The rest is no problem -- build can be automated, so can mailoff,
and I can (and do) use cygwin to run the shell scripts.
Brane Čibej <brane_at_xbc.nu> http://www.xbc.nu/brane/
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Received on Sat Oct 21 14:37:06 2006