Clear as day, now, thanks!
-K writes:
> Good Lord, I re-read that mush up there and don't really know what the
> heck I was saying. Let me state it this way:
> Revert needs to reset the state flags for the thing it is reverting
> (removing any scheduling and conflict markers, etc.). For directories,
> the state is kept in two places.
> Let's say we are reverting A/D/G -- as 'svn revert A/D/G', not '(cd
> A/D/G; svn revert)'. State for A/D/G is assumed to be stored in two
> places:
> (1) In A/D/G's entries file, as schedule= and conflicted= on the
> "svn:this_dir" entry.
> (2) In A/D's entries file, as the same items on the entry for the "G".
> Let's say that A/D/G turns out to be a wc_root. Since we aren't
> querying for '.' (we passed 'A/D/G' to the check), we know that A/D
> is NOT the rightful parent of A/D/G. Therefore, we know that we
> should only revert the state of A/D/G in its own entries file (case 1
> above), not in that of its presumed parent (case 2).
> If, however, svn_wc_is_wc_root says that A/D/G is NOT a WC root, we
> know that it is safe to revert A/D/G's state in both places.
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Received on Sat Oct 21 14:36:59 2006