Greg Stein <> writes:
> > 3. Embed the three props/values next to each item in the report.
> Certainly.
> > Any objections to #3? gstein?
> 4. [optimization] The report knows all the versions seen and gives you
> a table of version -> creationdate, creator-displayname.
Great idea.
> 5. [optimization] For each directory containing files, do a PROPFIND
> of Depth:1 on that dir and collect the props for the children,
> rather than doing a PROPFIND for each child.
Huh? This has nothing to do with the problem. The whole point is
that the 3 dav-props are going to be embedded in the report, so we're
not planning to do a PROPFIND on any children unless the report
*explicitly* says to do so. That's how it works already.
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Received on Sat Oct 21 14:36:54 2006