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Another EOL Proposal

From: Sander Striker <striker_at_apache.org>
Date: 2001-12-14 20:27:55 CET


I know, another proposal. This probably overlaps
with the other proposals in a major way, but I
just want to get this off of my chest.

In this proposal I will only speak of files that
have a property set which shows they are text files.


 - The repos stores the data the way the client
   sends it. IOW, the server doesn't do any
   conversion, the client does.

 - Files will have an eol property. This property
   can have the following values:

   - <non-existent>
     If the property doesn't exist, check the parent
     directory for this property. If that isn't set,
     bubble up further. If the property is non existent
     the entire path up to the root in the repos, default
     to "none".

   - "none"
     No conversion ever happens.

   - "cr", "lf" or "crlf"
     The EOL style of the file in the repos.

Checkouts and updates

 - On checkouts (and updates) the client checks to see
   if the eol property on a file differs from its native
   eol style. If so (and the style is not "none"), it
   converts the file in the working copy (not in the
   textbase) to native style.


 - When committing a new text file, set the eol property to
   the native style of the client (ie. on windows this would
   be "crlf"). This behaviour could be overriden in the
   svn configuration file. In the config(!) eol could have the
   following values: "none", "cr", "lf", "crlf" and "native".
   The last value reflects the default behaviour.

 - When committing an existent file the client _always_
   converts the file to match the eol property (unless it
   is "none" ofcourse). After the conversion it is diffed with
   the text base and sent off as usual. This convert and
   diff step could be done using an intermediate file, if people
   worry about it.


 - When exporting you should be able to specify the style you
   want through a command line option. If you don't give
   the option it will default to native. So:
   $ svn export --eol=crlf http://server/repos/project
   will give you the project with all text files (with a eol
   property other than "none") having CRLF line endings.

That's all. And again: Sorry to post again on this issue,


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