"B. W. Fitzpatrick" <fitz@red-bean.com> writes:
> >
> > I note two small bugs in svn.1. They are left as an exercise to the
> > reader:
> >
> > delete file|dir...
> > (Alias: del, remove, rm) Mark the given
> > files/directories for deletion upon commit. When
> > you ocmmit, the entries will be marked as deleted
> > in the repository and deleted from your working
> > copy.
> >
> > example: cvs delete foo.c bar.h
> LOL. Fixed 'em both, thanks.
Hmmm, maybe we should go over this man page with a finer comb. I'm
thrilled that somebody contributed it... but some of the language
might be misleading and in need of tweaks.
For example, in the above paragraph: it's kind weird to describe
anything as being "marked as deleted in the repository." It reminds
of the way a CVS repository moves things to the attic. Really, it
should probably say something like, "will be removed from the head
revision in the repository." (Of course, this means that the man
page probably needs a 1-paragraph intro about what a svn 'revision'
really is.)
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Received on Sat Oct 21 14:36:49 2006