On Fri, Oct 19, 2001 at 10:32:11AM -0500, kfogel@collab.net wrote:
> Hmm, dunno. Would like to hear others thoughts on this.
> For at least the near-term, though, yes, it's probably best that we
> distribute apr and neon right in the svn package. Just easier for
> (almost) everyone.
Long term I would prefer to see neon, bdb, apr, (and if greg ever adds it)
apr-util all be separate packages that subversion depends on. For the short
term its easy to have them included, although there is an outstanding patch
that would give us the same flexibility we have with bdb for neon, which
I like the idea of.
> -K
Kevin Pilch-Bisson http://www.pilch-bisson.net
"Historically speaking, the presences of wheels in Unix
has never precluded their reinvention." - Larry Wall
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