On 03 Oct 2001 14:56:11 -0500
Ben Collins-Sussman <sussman@collab.net> wrote:
> sussman@tigris.org writes:
> > Author: sussman
> > Date: 2001-10-03 19:53 GMT
> > New Revision: 202
> > Rename the administrative directory.
> >
> > * svn_wc.h (SVN_WC_ADM_DIR_NAME): change to '.svn'
> OK, follow these steps:
> * update your working copy
> * compile
> * use the binary to checkout a new working copy:
> % path/to/old/svn co http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/trunk -d svn
I just pulled down the new source but I had a little problem moving my
patches over since I could not use the new binary on the old tree. I just
hacked a little script to create symlinks to work around it. Here is
the script I used in case anyone else wanted to hack an old repo
before moving the changes over to a new checkout.
Mo DeJong
#!/usr/bin/env tclsh
proc svnadm { dir } {
foreach file [glob -nocomplain $dir/*] {
if {[file isdirectory $file] } {
set dir $file
set tail [file tail $dir]
if {$tail == "SVN"} {
set parent [file dirname $dir]
set cwd [pwd]
cd $parent
if {! [file exists .svn]} {
puts "CD [pwd]: ln -s SVN .svn"
exec ln -s SVN .svn
cd $cwd
svnadm $dir
svnadm .
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Received on Sat Oct 21 14:36:44 2006