Garrett Rooney wrote:
>On Wed, Sep 19, 2001 at 06:58:10PM -0400, Kevin Pilch-Bisson wrote:
>>On Wed, Sep 19, 2001 at 06:03:49PM -0400, Garrett Rooney wrote:
>>>it appears that we've got several places where we're either passing a
>>>url to svn_path_canonicalize with style = svn_path_repos_style or we're
>>>passing a path to svn_path_canonicalize with style =
>>>svn_path_url_style, so if we're basing our behavior on the style,
>>>we'll have to make this more consistent in the rest of the tree.
>>Those are definitely things we want to fix. If you would point them out, it
>>would be great. It's currently breaking some stuff on Win32.
>problem spots i've tracked down so far...
>in subversion/clients/cmdline/util.c:snv_cl__args_to_target_array
>we're calling it with svn_path_local_style when at least sometimes
>(perhaps all the time, i'm not sure) it gets passed an array. right
>now i've changed it to svn_path_url_style, but i think we may also be
>passing some paths in, so it may only be working because i've got / as
>my dirsep char.
>in subversion/libsvn_ra_dav/fetch.c:we're passing in
>svn_path_url_style when at least sometimes we're giving it a path.
>i've changed it to svn_path_local_style and it seems to work fine now.
Ouch ouch ouch. Be *very* careful here. You can't properly test these
changes on Unix, because all path styles have the same separator
character. I went through a week of sleepless nights just after M3 to
get svn working on Windows, and I don't like the prospect of doing so again.
Please try to find a Windows machine to test your changes on, or badger
somebody into doing it for you (I'd volunteer, if only there were 29
hours in a day).
If you can prove we're sending local paths and URLs (the one refer to
files in the WC, the other to their properties, usually) through the
same functions, I'd say that's a bug, possibly in the design. These
paths should never mix, their semantics are quite different.
Brane �ibej <>
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Received on Sat Oct 21 14:36:42 2006