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From: Garrett Rooney <rooneg_at_electricjellyfish.net>
Date: 2001-09-18 02:26:13 CEST

so in the process of making svn_path_canonicalize actually do more
than remove a trailing /, i've run into a small snag.

my new code removes redundant components (// and /./ at the moment,
well, dirsep dirsep and dirsep . dirsep actually, but anyway), and tha
tworks fine, but the problem is that it seems that in several places
we're passing url's to svn_path_canonicalize. of course, it's finding
the // after http: and turning it into a single /. so later on when we
parse the url we get screwed up results and crash.

now it doesn't seem right to have svn_path_canonicalize try to deal
with url's, since url's aren't really paths. would anyone mind the
addition of svn_url_canonicalize (or something similar) in libsvn_subr
which can call svn_path_canonicalize on the path portion?

attached is the change to svn_path_canonicalize, just so you can see
what i've got. don't use it though, or you'll crash trying to run
'svn update'.

garrett rooney                     Unix was not designed to stop you from 
rooneg@electricjellyfish.net       doing stupid things, because that would  
http://electricjellyfish.net/      stop you from doing clever things.

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