Philip Martin <> writes:
> However to open another can of worms, how if at all, is branch
> information going to be shown?
> Version numbers on a branch look like MMMM.BB.VVV, according to
> svn_fs.h, where MMMM is the mainline version that was branched, BB is
> the branch number and VVV is the version on the branch.
Stop right there. I don't mean to burst your bubble, but those
numbers are secret under-the-hood implementation details of the
subversion filesystem. They're not exposed to the outside world.
And... they have nothing to do with "branches". They're merely a way
of describing lineage between nodes. IOW, if the filesystem is told
to create a "successor" to node 3.2, and 3.3 *already* exists, then it
creates a new "child" by adding two numbers: The quantity
of numbers in a node-ID has absolutely nothing to do with branches, or
even node importance. :-)
Second : there are no "branches" or "tags" in Subversion -- at least
not the way you think of them in CVS. There are only directories in
the filesystem; and directories can duplicated in the filesystem at
almost no cost. A "tag" is just a directory that you copy and then
never touch. A "branch" is a directory that you copy, commit on, and
then merge (later) into another directory. But tags and branches are
only labels; really, they're all just ordinary subdirs in the
filesystem. Read the spec for examples. :-)
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Received on Sat Oct 21 14:36:41 2006