authentication architecture.
From: Ben Collins-Sussman <>
Date: 2001-07-26 19:48:13 CEST
I'm filling in the list on an authentication architecture we'll be
Here are the parameters of the problem:
* The callers of any RA (Repository Access) library need to provide
* If new RA schemas are written, or new RA layers are written, it's
The issue here is that an RA library cannot directly prompt the
Here is what we're going to do:
* create a transparent svn_ra_user_t structure.
This structure contains the *union* of all authentication data
* all svn_client_*() routines now take a new argument: a 'hook'
* when svn_client_*() fetches an RA library appropriate to the URL
* libsvn_client now attempts to fill in every user_t field it can.
* if libsvn_client can't fill in all the fields, it "kicks" the
* the user_t object is now passed (along with the URL) to ra->open().
* the RA library does whatever authentication/authorization
* the RA library (presumably) stashes the user_t object in
* libsvn_client now goes on and uses the RA session baton as usual.
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