> Alexander Mueller <> writes:
> > To the other developpers: I would like to have a place on a server
> > where I can store drafts of the source and maybe docs and design
> > sketches. How to do this?
> >
> > Of course I can post my stuff to someone on the list to review and
> > publish it. Who will the one be?
> There is no 'one', really. Post the stuff to this (dev) list, and
> someone will claim it. In fact, I think I said I'd offer to claim it
> so long as SVN-critical tasks don't bar me from doing so. And if I
> claim it, you can bet Karl Fogel and Ben Collins-Sussman are
> unofficially claiming it, too (since they each sit fewer than 10 feet
> from me on a daily basis). Ding! 3 peer reviewers for the price
> of...none!
Ok. Will collect some stuff later this day and just post it to the list...
> > Or shall I even create a new project called jsvn on Tigris on
> > Sourceforge. Would not be that bad. Maybe the java/subversion
> > should even be named different. So it could provide a version
> > control library that would support not just svn but cvs or whatever
> > too. Of course if done this way there had to be even some more
> > thoughts about design and generalization...
> Well, I don't suppose we can say much about that. :-) If you're
> planning to support multiple version control systems, then "jsvn"
> might not be the most accurate name, but whatever.
Guess jsvn is ok right now. I dont want to cover all of it. I think for
a 1.0 version (or 0.1) having "just" svn included would be quite fine, right?
> Hm. I guess my feelings are that if you want total control over
> whatever repository you store your work in, go create a new
> SourceForge project. However, if you're willing to temporarily
> relinquish a bit of that control in exchange for having all the
> followers of this list as peer reviewers, you should consider the
> patch-submission process here.
> Having grown to trust the technical skills of many of my companions on
> this list more so than my own unreviewed ideas, I personally would
> stick with this community.
Guess I will stick with this community. Maybe later it will make sense
to split the project to build a more generalized version. But before this
there is still a lot to do!
Later more...
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Received on Sat Oct 21 14:36:33 2006