Brian Behlendorf schrieb:
> On Thu, 12 Jul 2001, Alexander Mueller wrote:
> > About the WinCVS Graph: I cant steal the graph algorithm.
> > But I just dont care about this detail. WinCVS is implemented as a MFC
> > application. Why bother with this component model if I have Swing?
> Anyone thinking about a Java UI might want to first get to know about
> Netbeans (, an open source project that CollabNet hosts.
> It's primarily developed by Sun, but they've got a very healthy component
> community building now, and they have a pretty mature CVS component. It'd
> be great to see a Subversion component for it as well, and that would
> probably be something that could be reused for a non-Netbeans simplified
> UI client as well.
You're right. But at this point my understanding is not too deep in doing a
Java implementation of this thing. I do have several ideas, which I try
to communicate here (a lot of them is just in my head of course) and
also I try to read as much as I can about other people's concepts and
ideas. But this this is a somewhat recursive process and now I am at
recursion level 15 or so... ;-)
So here are some of my points why I wanted to start something like this
from scratch:
All of the CVS GUIS I ran into didnt do active polling of the repositories.
This is fine if you do have a dialup conncetion to the internet.
But there are LANs and there are fast DSL and T1 connection. And
there could be better...
For some files I want to have updates as soon other
peoples are checking them in or are commiting them. Other files or
whole directory trees i am working on shall be locked to automatic
updates. For all of the files and dirs I want to see not just my
revision but the current revision thats in the repository too. I want to
see who else is editing the files I am editing.
Of course I can do this by running a "cvs editors" or "cvs -n update".
But I dont WANT to do it. The computer is my slave. He shall do those
dirty details. All I wanna do is take a look on an explorer like display
and see whats going on.
These are some ideas that I wanted to have implemented. But I didnt
like the OO design of the sources I met yet (WinCVS for example).
All the time I am reading about model-view-controller (MVC) concept
and I love it. But nobody seems to use it! Even the Java users. Most of the code
I met that uses Swing classes tries to build a workaround for the MVC
concepts built into Swing. Maybe people dont understand how its
working; they dont want to spend too much time on design, they do
have a specific idea.
And this is annoying me. I want to build beautiful code with modern
concepts together with other people that do have the same concern.
One of the reasons why I love open source and why I want to work
on a project like this is because I want to LEARN....
> > And I dont see any problem with GPL. The only thing I cant do is
> > build GPLed stuff INTO non-GPL programs. But if I have an external
> > interface where I can plugin whatever tool there is no problem at all.
> Well, there is considerable debate over whether a GPL'd application can be
> linked to non-GPL'd components. E.g., if Netscape were GPL'd, could there
> be non-GPL plug-ins? Some people have interpreted the GPL to say that you
> can - and I'm of the personal opinion that this is the case - but Stallman
> hhimself as said that you can't, unless that plug-in API is something
> implemented by other programs (e.g., something of a standard, not
> app-specific). He forced the author of Alladin Ghostscript to rip out
> support for GNU gettext because of it. A non-viral license for the basic
> client, such as the Apache-style license that Subversion is under, would
> be my recommendation, partly to stay in the same spirit as the rest of the
> project.
I think if you are using the most basic interface by calling other programs directly
you should not run into GPL problems. But thats just my belief...
> > First I thought about joining the WinCVS project to maybe port the
> > thing to SVN. Next I thought about implementing a special WinSVN
> > program like the one you are planning.
> If you want just a quick-and-dirty Win32-specific UI to think about first,
> look at TortoiseCVS. It's implemented as a set of Windows shell
> extensions (I think the term is) which enhances the standard Explorer
> window with extra icons marking status, and some additional menu options
> to check out, update, commit, etc. Not as featureful as WinCVS, but a
> good start.
Yea. Installed this of course, too. But way too platform specific...
> But, I definitely agree a Java-based UI (or even Mozilla-based UI, it's
> approaching stability now) would be better than something Win-specific.
> Brian
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