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Re: Win32 Client

From: Ben Collins-Sussman <sussman_at_collab.net>
Date: 2001-07-05 18:41:12 CEST

"Powell, Jim (EER)" <PowellJF@navair.navy.mil> writes:

> But as I stated earlier, I would be willing to try to get mod_dav_svn to
> work on Win32 if someone would tell me where the source is.

mod_dav_svn is part of the Subversion source tree! That module *is*
our server, once it's plugged into mod_dav. It interprets
subversion-specific DAV commands on one end, and speaks to
libsvn_fs.so on the other end (our repository.)

Did you read the instructions in notes/dav_setup.txt?

In a nutshell:

   * You build Apache 2.0 with the --enable-dav switch. This gives
     you Apache with mod_dav built in.

   * You build subversion with the --with-apxs flag, pointing to files
     in the Apache tree. I don't know what the MSVC equivalent action
     is. Also, subversion needs to recognize that berkeley db is on
     your system. If present, it will build libsvn_fs and mod_dav_svn.

   * Install the subversion DLLs, and install mod_dav_svn.

   * Create a repository with svnadmin and put a <Location> pointer to
     it in your httpd.conf.

Unfortunately, I'm describing the Unix process of building a
subversion server. I don't know how it all works using MSVC and our
.dsp files. :-(

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