Personally I don't mind the command line, what I want is a functional
Windows server. If I have that my life will be better, I run an
organization that writes win32 programs almost exclusively, I only have 1
linux computer which runs CVS. As it stands, I am the only person in the
company that speaks Linux, so I have worked myself into a position where I
can't go on leave, just in case the computer crashes. This would not be so
bad, but I own the company. Of course as you can see by the e-mail address
(or at least this one), I have another job as well.
Jim Powell
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Karl Fogel []
> Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2001 10:28 PM
> To: Dan Kuykendall
> Cc: Powell, Jim (EER);
> Subject: Re: Are there windows clients yet?
> Dan Kuykendall <> writes:
> > Im not too interested in a windows server (not that it
> wouldnt be good
> > to have one), but really just looking to make sure a
> windows client is
> > considered/in_the_works.
> Current development activity is mainly concentrated on the server and
> on getting the command-line client to run on many platforms
> (including, of course, Windows). The idea is to make sure the
> underlying Subversion libraries are stable and reliable.
> Based on past posts and conversations, though, it seems there are
> quite a few developers interested in working on GUIs, for Windows and
> other platforms, and they're basically waiting to make sure that the
> library APIs are stable before they really ramp up.
> So the short answer is: yes, there will be a Windows GUI. But we
> can't yet say when, or what it will look like. Volunteers will make
> it happen faster. :-)
> -Karl
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