> Again, I believe we should toss even those questionable ones. Can we get a
> little numeric voting on the parts above? +1/+0/-0/-1
On an interface question like this, the +1/+0/-0/-1 system seems like
a good way to get a feel for what people are thinking.
However, a note about voting:
Personally, I love voting systems and never met a co-op I didn't
like. :-) But, we should recognize that Subversion hasn't adopted any
sort of formal voting system. Maybe someday it will, at which point
we'll need to come up with an algorithm for deciding who constitutes
the electorate. Membership on this list probably wouldn't be the
qualification, because the list is open to anyone -- in theory, it
could lead to the entire population of the world voting on any
question about Subversion. Heh. A somewhat more likely danger is
decision-by-registration, where someone who wants result X signs up
all his friends and relatives on the list and tells them to vote for
(This actually happened one year in the Grammy Awards, I believe.)
Usually the way these things work out is that the committers are the
voters, and committers choose new committers. Heck, this is the way a
lot of actual governments work, and those aren't even forkable domains
the way open source software is. :-)
Anyway, I don't think we should decide about voting in general now;
we've gotten along fine without it. I just want to point out that
we're voting on the short-aliases issue because it's a good way to
find out users' preferences, not because we vote on everything.
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Received on Sat Oct 21 14:36:30 2006