(Strictly speaking, this is an APR problem. But since it blew up in in
fs-test, and the culprit happens to be GregS, I thought y'all might like
to know about it. :-) )
Here's the deal:
apr_strings.h says:
* duplicate the first n characters of a string into memory allocated
* out of a pool; the new string will be '\0'-terminated
* @param p The pool to allocate out of
* @param s The string to duplicate
* @param n The number of characters to duplicate
* @return The new string
* @deffunc char *apr_pstrndup(apr_pool_t *p, const char *s, apr_size_t n)
cvs log apr_strings.c says:
revision 1.10
date: 2001/02/12 02:55:52; author: gstein; state: Exp; lines: +7 -8
*) rename apr_memdup() to apr_pmemdup()
*) optimize the allocation size in apr_pstrndup()
Purify says:
[E] ABR: Array bounds read in strlen {1 occurrence}
Reading 2 bytes from 0x0292e038 (1 byte at 0x0292e039 illegal)
Address 0x0292e038 is argument #1 of strlen
Address 0x0292e038 is at the beginning of a 1 byte block
Address 0x0292e038 points to a malloc'd block in heap 0x01c10000
Thread ID: 0x51c
Error location
strlen [MSVCRTD.dll]
apr_pstrndup [apr_strings.c:91]
if (s == NULL) {
return NULL;
=> len = strlen(s);
if (len < n)
n = len;
res = apr_palloc(a, n + 1);
allocate_txn_id [txn-table.c:133]
svn_fs__track_dbt (&value, trail->pool);
/* That's the value we want to return. */
=> next_id_str = apr_pstrndup (trail->pool, value.data, value.size);
/* Try to parse the value. */
svn_fs__create_txn [txn-table.c:171]
Now, you might say that the doc says nothing about apr_pstrndup not
needing a 0-terminated input. To which I reply that indeed, the doc says
nothing about needing a 0-terminated input.
Greg, will you fix it, or shall I? :-)
Brane �ibej
home: <brane_at_xbc.nu> http://www.xbc.nu/brane/
work: <branko.cibej_at_hermes.si> http://www.hermes-softlab.com/
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