On Tue, Apr 03, 2001 at 10:37:00AM -0700, Bruce Atherton wrote:
> At 06:29 PM 03/04/2001 +0200, RADICS Peter wrote:
> >hrmp. this is really a sad thing to say, since I haven't sent any
> >patches/real contribution yet, so this implies to me as well, but I'm
> >+1 now on making the list read-only for the "public", and keep it for
> >the communication for the core-team. thanks eric at all. great help,
> >really :[
> >
> >also pissed,
> >mitch
> Allow me to add a -1.
> Yes, watching people fight is unpleasant for all of us. Yes, it is
> inconsiderate of the combatants not to consider this collateral damage,
> especially when they continue after being politely told to knock it off.
> However, such occurrences are rare. What is far from rare is a contribution
> to a Subversion-specific discussion from someone that doesn't contribute
> code regularly. Even someone who doesn't know what is going on and asks
> questions can help the hard-core developers better understand what they are
> doing.
> I feel that the benefits far outweigh the costs. Not only that but this is,
> generally speaking, a self-correcting phenomenon. Groups develop social
> norms that they are comfortable with, and those that go against those norms
> soon either adjust their behaviors to meet those norms, or they start
> feeling uncomfortable enough to go away. In this case, I'm hoping for the
> former because I appreciate the contributions of each person. But either
> way, the social norms will prevail, and it would be sad to lose permanent
> benefits because of short-term problems.
Hear Hear!!! I'm definitely -1 on this issue, since if it hadn't been
for the open and kind nature of this list, I probably wouldn't be a
committer now.
While I am not full-time on subversion, and so miss out on phone/intra
office discussions, I personally hope that the thought of closing the
list was a short-lived one. I mean two days of annoying email every
couple of months, most of us have bigger spam problems than that!
Kevin Pilch-Bisson http://www.pilch-bisson.net
"Historically speaking, the presences of wheels in Unix
has never precluded their reinvention." - Larry Wall
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