Mike meant to send this to the dev list.
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To: Ben Collins-Sussman <sussman@newton.ch.collab.net>
Subject: Re: subversion client test suite
References: <15014.33950.640161.173238@dsl-64-193-99-89.telocity.com> <20010309021337.K27539@lyra.org> <864rx39how.fsf@newton.ch.collab.net>
From: cmpilato@collab.net
Reply-To: cmpilato@collab.net
Date: 09 Mar 2001 09:18:09 -0600
Message-ID: <847l1z6kem.fsf@newton.ch.collab.net>
Ben Collins-Sussman <sussman@newton.ch.collab.net> writes:
> Perl (or Python) is just a happier, more friendly, more integrated
> environment for doing all the things that {sh, diff, cmp, awk, sed,
> ..} do.
In addition to this, we currently have no dependency on the Windows
platforms for the cygnus stuffs. APR, Subversion, and Friends build
without a hitch on an out-of-the-box Windows 95+ installation with the
MSVC 6.0. ActivePerl is a Beautiful Thing for such Windows machines,
and I was able to install (and run) Python just as easily on a box of
the above type.
If you can't give me a test suite in C, C++, Perl, Python, or some
other non-cygwin-requiring manifestation, *that* is a non-starter.
We already have a "__check__" project for the build system in Windows,
and it would be fairly painless, I imagine, to have that project run
perl or python scripts to do the testing.
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Received on Sat Oct 21 14:36:25 2006