On Thu, Feb 22, 2001 at 10:25:38AM -0600, Ben Collins-Sussman wrote:
> Kevin Pilch-Bisson <kevin@pilch-bisson.net> writes:
> > In light of some of the comments given on page talking about subversion,
> > I would like to make a suggestion regarding the subversion website. I
> > think it would be good to move the status section closer to the top of
> > the page, and try to update it at least once a week. I think that there
> > are a lot of people watching the subversion pages, without being on the
> > mailing lists, and it would be nice to give them frequent accurate
> > status updates.
> The entire Tigris site is about to be upgraded to the newest version
> of Sourcecast, sometime over the next few weeks. You won't believe
> the difference. :)
I'll look forward to seeing it then!
> That said, what sort of info could be posted? The dev and cvs-commit
> lists detail exactly what people are thinking and doing each day. But
> we can't put these sort of details on the web page... only broad
> goals, I think.
I agree that that would be too much detail, but maybe give a small
snapshot, or something like a list of files modified in the last 24 hrs
or someething, just so that people see that there is stuff going on, and
in what general area. Also, as you were saying, a general outline is
I just get the impression that many people look at the site, and have no
idea what the status is, or how close it is to being usable. Then they
come back in a while, and hardly notice any difference. I'm mostly
thinking along the lines of something that says, we're here, and we are
actually working on this project.
Kevin Pilch-Bisson http://www.pilch-bisson.net
"Historically speaking, the presences of wheels in Unix
has never precluded their reinvention." - Larry Wall
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