Greg Hudson <ghudson@MIT.EDU> writes:
> I can see how it's annoying (especially if the build is broken right
> now), but I don't see how it's not right, as long as we want ra_local
> to exist.
> In the long run, as far as the end user is concerned, either
> Subversion builds with ra_local functionality or (because they don't
> have db3) it doesn't. It doesn't matter whether that's because the
> dynamically loaded ra_local module wasn't built and installed or
> because the relevant code wasn't compiled and linked in.
Should also point out the client will probably have its own db3
dependency someday anyway. Right now, we're storing properties in a
rather inefficient (but easy to write & debug) custom hashdump format,
but the interface is ready for that to be swapped out in favor of
db3, which would be much more efficient.
> Well, if dynamic loading becomes the only mode of operation for the
> client, then it will become harder to debug Subversion. (Even if gdb
> actually worked right for shared libraries on all platforms, you
> couldn't set breakpoints before the ra module gets loaded, etc.. And
> in reality, gdb falls down miserably for shared library debugging on
> every platform I've tried it on, for every version of gdb I've tried.)
> So we need a way to make static loading work either way.
+1 on that last part; the reason we started building statically in the
first place was so we could use gdb without trouble.
Received on Sat Oct 21 14:36:22 2006