I should have said explicitly in my previous mail: this milestone does
not propose to support non-historical properties (hey, that's not the
passive voice -- the subject is "this milestone"! :-) ).
So features that are implemented via non-historical properties, such
as ACLs, would be post-m2.
> This is a proposal for the Milestone 2 date and goals. I think this
> is a reasonable amount of time for this stuff to happen in, but please
> make a noise right quick if you foresee any problem with the date
> (send me mail privately about it if that's more comfortable).
> Milestone 2 contains everything Milestone 1 has:
> 1. checkout (from an xml file)
> 2. local add command
> 3. local delete command
> 4. update (from an xml file)
> 5. committing local edits, adds, and deletes (to an xml file)
> ...except happening over the network now, plus some more features:
> 6. Items 1, 4, and 5 from above, now talking to a filesystem via
> libsvn_ra_dav/Apache (note that no authentication happens,
> though), plus everything below happening with the filesystem
> too:
> 7. property setting (interface not to be finalized, though)
> 8. property updates
> 9. committing property changes
> 10. merging (preservation of local edits on update)
> 11. conflict handling (interface t.b.d.)
> And the date is Dec. 1st (a Friday).
> Obviously, there are some interface questions still being worked on,
> so the goal of Milestone 2 is to demonstrate functionality, not to
> finalize command-line interfaces. The interfaces can certainly change
> after the milestone.
> -K
Received on Sat Oct 21 14:36:13 2006