I have added a few and given long names to everything.
After all, when reading an .rc file or shell script,
it is *far* more comprehensible with long names than
one-letter flags that would have been something else,
but the letter was already "taken". Flags are fine for
typing, terrible for comprehension.
/* While these are listed under `common options', we would probably
be well-served to document which subcommands support which
options. -Fitz */
-? -h -H --help Help.
#ifdef ONE_WAY
--trace Like "cvs -t"
-V --verbose Run with a wordily prolix verbositude.
-q Quiet. (CVS has two levels of this, but that's
(Yes, overkill. -Fitz)
/* OTOH: quiet, normal, verbose and trace make for
"levels" of verbosity - Bruce */
#else /* ANOTHER */
-V --verbose KWd What level of chatter?
The valid verbose option keywords are:
progress ** default
detail (verbose??;)
-v VERSION Like "cvs cmd -r REV"
--version Print program name, version, and url.
/* Problem: "--version" and "-v" are both
pronounced "version", but they mean different
things. */
/* Solution: use the term "revision" when referring
to versioning within an SVN database. Use the term
"version" when referring to the SVN version.
SO: -v --version
-r --revision REV */
-D --date-ver Like "cvs cmd -D DATE"
-l --current-dir Local dir only, do not recurse.
(-R doesn't apply as it is the default behavior)
-d --dest-dir Target directory (like "cvs checkout -d DIR")
-f --force Force (probably useful for a few commands)
-m --log-msg Use "message" for the creation log.
-F --msg-file Read the log message from file.
-p --stdout Check out/update/whatever files to standard output
(avoids stickiness).
-n --dry-run Like "cvs -n" /* then use the short option, too? */
--no-rc Suppress reading of .svnrc.
-e --editor EDNM Edit messages with EDITOR.
-k --keyword-expansion KWd Set/Use keyword expansion
-l --local-dir Local; run only in current working directory.
-R --recursive Operate recursively (default).
-T --tempdir DIR Put temporary files in TEMPDIR.
-r --read-only Make new working files read-only.
-w --writable Make new working files read-write.
/* Issue: -R may be unnecessary, if arguments
are URLs anyway. See thoughts from Greg
Stein. That would be nice, it would free up
another option letter. */
-- End of option processing (this is the standard, right?)
(Yes, it is one of the standards) :)
Received on Sat Oct 21 14:36:12 2006