On Mon, Sep 25, 2000 at 08:53:06PM -0500, Karl Fogel wrote:
> Just a brief update on where we are and where we will (hopefully) be
> soon.
> Milestone 1 is due on Oct. 7th. This milestone has been sometimes
> known as "Hello, world", but somehow that name feels like it implies a
> greater amount of active networking code than the release will
> probably have, so let's just call it Milestone 1 instead.
> What does Milestone 1 mean?
> - Checkouts of complete trees
> - Updates of file changes, and file adds
> - Commits of file changes, and file adds
When will we be "self-hosted"??? IE. When will we be using subversion
to track changes to subversion??
I think this is a pretty major milestone for development, as it shows
that we trust it enough to use it for development. Plus we start
getting some real usage out of the tool as well.
John Cavanaugh Agilent Technologies
R&D Program Manager 1400 Fountaingrove Pkwy
CAD Data Store Santa Rosa, CA 95403-1799
Email: cavanaug@soco.agilent.com Phone: 707-577-4780
707-577-3948 (Fax)
As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I
just watch what they do.
-- Andrew Carnegie
Received on Sat Oct 21 14:36:09 2006