"Jonathan S. Shapiro" <shap@eros-os.org> writes:
> I suppose my thought was that once you have to bring an entire file in
> anywhere, you already have a requirement for large virtual memory, and you
> might as well leverage the convenience of memory mapping things. The size of
> the tree as a whole is not (to my mind) terribly relevant, since all of the
> operations of interest involve only one file at a time in the design I have
> in mind (Yes, change sets are transacted. Using cryptographic names makes
> this easy).
> For shipping things over the net one certainly wants stream-like function
> regardless. I was thinking mostly about the convenience of various internal
> algorithms.
> I shall have to think about the windowing issue for large delta generation.
> Fortunately, the issue is confined to one part of the code.
> Thanks again for indulging me in answers to naive questions.
Mmmm. Jonathan, this list is not formally moderated, but...
When you write things like this:
"The size of the tree as a whole is not (to my mind) terribly
relevant, since all of the operations of interest involve only one
file at a time in the design I have in mind (Yes, change sets are
transacted. Using cryptographic names makes this easy)."
... I infer that you were asking your questions with regards to a
project other than Subversion (DCMS, I guess?).
I've nothing against DCMS -- in fact, very much hope it succeeds! --
but the Subversion development mailing list is *not* the place to ask
questions to help you develop DCMS. It's for Subversion development.
That's the premise under which people joined the list, and when it
gets traffic about non-Subversion things, its usefulness is diluted.
So please confine yourself to the specific topic of Subversion here,
not the general topic of version control (except insofar as it
overlaps with Subversion), and not what you are doing with DCMS. If
you want to discuss DCMS, start a mailing list for that purpose, and
people who want to talk about it will join that list.
I hope that doesn't sound overly harsh. The reason I'm saying it,
instead of just adding your address to my kill file, is that I don't
*want* to be in the position of automatically ignoring your posts, and
I don't think anyone else does either. You are insightful and have
many valuable things to say, if you would only respect the parameters
of discussion that are an explicit part of this mailing list.
Received on Sat Oct 21 14:36:06 2006