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Date: Fri, 07 Jul 2000 09:48:12 +0100
From: Robert Greig <robert@thinkAnalytics.com>
Organization: thinkAnalytics Corporation
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Subject: [vcscvs-dev] CVS library
As promised, I have made available the current code for the CVS client
library. Rather than post it to this list, I have put it and some
associated information at the following URL:
The status page tells you about known problems at the moment. Basically,
there is currently a problem with recursive commands, so until I fix
that I recommend just trying a few non-recursive (use the -l option)
For example, you could try: login, checkout <some module>, delete a file
in a particular directory, then update -l in that directory. Or try
status -l on a few files.
Commands that the test harness understands are: login, checkout, update
and status. As I mention on the web pages, once I've fixed the problems
with the Entries file, I'll be able to add more commands easily.
I'm trying to implement enough to show that the design is capable of
handling all the scenarios that the CVS protocol can generate. The
problems at the moment are probably due to my ignorance of the CVS
It provides enough of a client API to allow a command-line tool to be
written, but I imagine that this will have to be extended to provide
caching of information for the CVSFilesystem (or anything else that
doesn't just quit when it has finished a command).
I'm looking forward to your comments.
- --
Robert Greig thinkAnalytics Corporation
robert@thinkAnalytics.com 23 Newton Place
Tel: +44 141 353 1104 Glasgow
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Received on Sat Oct 21 14:36:05 2006