Manoj Kasichainula <> writes:
> Bubble-Up Method, second-to-last paragraph before first
> diagram:
> "Parent-child links go both ways (i.e., a child knows who all its
> parents are), but a node's name is stored only in its parent, because
> a node with multiple parents may have different names in different
> parents."
> > The issue has come up, and I had thought it was last left as "there are no
> > parent pointers." Part of the reason for that is to prevent the need to
> > alter historical file revisions (to include the new parent).
> Maybe this was just a left over paragraph that wasn't supposed to
> remain?
That's exactly what it was, actually. We're just going to
double-check that it is completely false, and then remove it if so.
JimB, Ben, and I all have some other priority work today, however, so
the offending paragraph will remain in a bit longer... :-)
Thanks for catching this one, though!
Received on Sat Oct 21 14:36:05 2006