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Re: SVN out-of-the-box web interface improvements somewhere?

From: Bo Berglund <bo.berglund_at_gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2018 00:00:25 +0200

On Mon, 9 Apr 2018 08:46:20 +0200, Michael Osipov
<michaelo_at_apache.org> wrote:

>Have a look at bottom of my tutorial [1], it goes in detail. Some stuff
>needs to be updated because all of my local changes are now upstream.
>Give it a try, it works really great for us at work for years.
>[1] https://s.apache.org/svn-enterprise-auth

I went there and navigated all the way to the bottom (almost) to find
WebSvn. There I found a link to Sourceforge to get the sources:

On this page there is an item named "HTTPS access":
svn checkout https://svn.code.sf.net/u/michael-o/svn-enterprise-auth/

However this command checks out the complete repository...

So better to use:
svn co https://svn.code.sf.net/u/michael-o/svn-enterprise-auth/trunk

This worked on my Ubuntu Server 16.4 LTS

But the following step does not work because:

1) No mention of where $WWWDIR is located. My apache serves out
/var/www/html as the "normal" under construction website.
But Apache svn is elsewhere as defined in the Apache config..
So where exactly should I move the checked out sources and can I keep
the .svn dir so I can update if you change things around?

2) Editing the $WWWDIR/websvn/include/config.php
On my system the svn commands are in /usr/bin/svn
(found with which svn)
So 'setSVNCommandPath' is possible

But the next 'setGeshiScriptPath' is not because there is nothing like
the path:
on my system. and this command found nothing too:
sudo find /usr -name geshi

What is this and how do I get it, if needed?
Would 'apt-get install geshi' work???

'ParentPath' could be /var/lib/svn/ here are all top level repos
But what should be written in place of:

Is it the URL to the repository or what? Ours is a https:// url...

NOTE that we do not want to use domain authentication, we need the
standard Apache auth instead. So anything involving domain or kerberos
auth must be disabled.

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden
Received on 2018-04-10 00:00:46 CEST

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