@echo off cd %~dp0% if exist test_svn ( echo ERROR: test_svn already exists. Please remove it first exit /b 1 ) echo *** Creating directory test_svn mkdir test_svn cd test_svn echo *** Creating repo svnadmin create repo rem A trick to get normal svn URL with forward slashes set repo_path=file://%~p0%/test_svn/repo set repo_path=%repo_path:\=/% echo *** Repository address is %repo_path% echo *** Creating initial directory structure (trunk and branches) svn co %repo_path% full_repo cd full_repo md trunk md branches svn add trunk branches svn ci -m "initial tree" cd .. echo *** Checking out trunk and creating simple file foo svn co %repo_path%/trunk trunk cd trunk echo Simple file > foo svn add foo svn ci -m "added foo" echo *** Creating branch test svn copy . ^^/branches/test -m "create branch" echo *** Setting svn:eol-style=native on trunk/foo svn propset svn:eol-style native foo svn ci -m "set property" echo *** Modifying trunk/foo echo Modification >> foo svn ci -m "modified foo" echo *** Checking out branches/test cd .. svn co %repo_path%/branches/test cd test echo. echo. echo Now while in test_svn/test directory: echo. echo 1. Try echo ^> svn merge -r 3:5 ^^/trunk echo and you get a conflict echo 2. Revert (svn revert -R .) and try echo ^> svn merge -r 3:4 -r 4:5 ^^/trunk echo and you do not get any conflicts