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define files structure in svn (CAD PDM)

From: Roberto Bartola <robertobartola_at_gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2014 16:41:36 +0100

Hi all,
I'm trying to use svn as a PDM for CAD files.

( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Product_data_management )

It looks working fine but I'd like to do better.

-1 structure
In my CAD I can create an assembly which is a file where I assembly many
parts or subassemblies.
Is it possible to create a structure (it could be a txt file) where svn
reads the parts which belongs to the assembly, so to commit, update, lock
.... the files linked to the "father"?

I mean I have an assembly which name is "car.assy". In this assembly I have
4 files named "wheel.part", a file named "engine.assy" (which contains
piston.part, cylinder.part ...) , and so on
I'd like to find a way where inporting "car.assy", svn will download all
the sub asseblies (engine.assy; engine_bay.assy; rear_side.assy....) and
all the parts (wheel.part piston.part cylinder.part ...)

---->wheel.part (number 4)
--------------> ....
--------------> ....
--------------> ....
--------------> ....

Is it possible?

-2 folders
To keep ordered my repository I'd like to keep a folders structure (for
example steel-parts; plastic-parts; rubber-parts ....) but when inporting
the project I'd like to keep the files all in a single level.
Is it possible?

------------------> a.part
------------------> b.part
------------------> .....
------------------> c.part
------------------> d.part
------------------> m.part
------------------> n.part
------------------> .....
------------------> t.part
------------------> u.part
------------------> w.part
------------------> z.part
------------------> .....
------------------> j.part

project_1: parts:
b.part (from steel_parts/machined-parts)
d.part (from steel_parts/machined-parts)
j.part (from plastic_parts)
u.part (from steel_parts/rough-parts)

Thank you and best regards,

Hello world !
Roberto was here !
Received on 2014-02-04 16:49:11 CET

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