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Re: What is the easiest way to copy an existing Subversion Repository to another server?

From: Ulrich Eckhardt <ulrich.eckhardt_at_dominolaser.com>
Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2011 12:54:58 +0100

Am 14.12.2011 05:23, schrieb Craig Burlock:
> I need to create a new clone of an existing Subversion Repository to run on
> a new server. What is the easiest way of doing this?

Apart from the mentioned dump/load and svnsync, a plain filesystem copy
works, too, provided you either use BDB on two similar systems or FSFS
for the repository.

However, let me ask you the question if you want to move the repository
or create a clone? The reason is that creating a clone that is not
supposed to be a read-only mirror or backup is an error-prone operation,
because the clone will have the same UUID but possibly a different
history than the original.

If you just want to migrate the repo to a new server, any of the above
methods work. You should first prevent write access to the old location
before opening the new location though, in order to avoid these
differing histories. If copying takes too long for your users, use
svnsync in the background. You will further need to relocate working
copies to the new repo URL.

Good luck!

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Received on 2011-12-14 12:55:39 CET

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