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Re: Network Share Checkouts

From: Ryan Schmidt <subversion-2011a_at_ryandesign.com>
Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2011 11:48:41 -0600

On Nov 10, 2011, at 07:27, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:

> Windows versus UNIX style end-of-line also becomes important. The
> "svn:eol" style for files in a shared repository will behave
> differently on Windows boxes accessing a CIFS share from a UNIX or
> Linux box via Samba than the UNIX or Linux box will provide with local
> or NFS access to exactly the same working copy if that is set.

> I spent a *lot* of time explaining this to verious people trying to
> use multiple platform shared access, and running headlong into the
> problems they thought they'd "cleverly" worked around. It became an
> adventure to explain why svn:eol should be deprecated, preferably with
> a claw hammer.

Every time you bring this up I have to point out that what you're talking about applies only when a file's svn:eol-style property is set to "native". It does not apply when svn:eol-style is set to another value, such as "LF" or "CRLF", nor does it apply if svn:eol-style is not set.

I would strongly advise users to set svn:eol-style of their text files to LF or CRLF as appropriate, to avoid the problem of getting inconsistent line endings in the file due to using different editors with different settings or on different platforms. Using svn:eol-style native is also fine, so long as you understand that working copies should not be shared among operating systems with different line ending styles.

> Also,
> naming conventions become important, becuase CIFS does not support
> multiple files that only differ in capitalization for the same name,
> but a UNIX or Linux access to the same working copy will handle it
> merrily if the access is direct or NFS based.

Case conflicts are an issue you'll want to avoid if you have Mac users too, since the default Mac filesystem is case-insensitive too, just like on Windows.
Received on 2011-11-10 18:49:51 CET

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