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RE: Build automation tool for Windows?

From: Parrish, Ken <KParrish_at_gomez.com>
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2009 12:54:23 -0400


I also use a combination of CruiseControl.NET, Nant, MSBuild and Subversion.

Subversion is our repository. If it isn't in the repository, then it doesn't exist.

I leave it to MSBuild to unscramble dependencies inside a .NET solution file or other Microsoft project/solution/make files. No need to reinvent the wheel for this stuff--very messy stuff. However, I do not create any build, configuration management or deployment extensions in MSBuild--I find it very difficult and picky to use. Just as a command line tool for execution of Microsoft project and solution files.

I use CruiseControl.NET for automated builds and deployment. However, I do the minimum amount of work necessary in CruiseControl's configuration file. Other than basic automated control and launching of Nant scripts. The real work is farmed out to Nant.

I use Nant as the 'blood and guts' of our configuration management system. It can handle all manner of dependencies and interactions. It is has an extensive and powerful set of task/commands that alleviate having to write a lot of custom code. Nant is not for everyone. It is an XML based scripting language and at times (not too often) has its limitations for doing extremely complicated analysis and operations, but overall, it is well suited for build and configuration management tasks. It is a rare situation that it can't be adapted to our CM needs.

There are a few cases where I have written custom configuration management utilities. In this case, I write them as command line tools and execute the from Nant scripts. For example, I've written a custom directory comparison tool that generates an easy to parse XML output that is consumed by Nant for generation of deployment change lists and logs.

Hope this is helpful.

Ken Parrish
Gomez, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: David Aldrich [mailto:david.aldrich_at_eu.nec.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2009 11:17 AM
To: users_at_subversion.tigris.org
Subject: Build automation tool for Windows?


I noticed an active thread about using shared working copies for build automation and got thinking about build automation for our environment. We build C/C++ code on Windows using gmake and store the code in Subversion.

Would anyone like to suggest a build automation tool for such an environment?

Best regards



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