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Re: Apple applications delete admin folders, annoying to remedy, can we fix this?

From: Ryan Schmidt <subversion-2008c_at_ryandesign.com>
Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2008 19:28:45 -0600

On Dec 1, 2008, at 19:05, Geoffrey Plitt wrote:

> i've used SVN for 4+ years, and i've got an issue with deleted
> admin folders.
> I used SVN to store audio documents created by several Apple/Mac
> apps (GarageBand, Logic) I use. These apps (there are probably
> others, but i verified it with these 2) tend to delete the
> subversion admin folder. I'm not sure why, and it seems to not
> depend on whether I use the "period" or "underscore" prefix
> options. The apps just delete everything in the folder that they
> don't want in there, I guess.

First off: I imagine you're talking about "documents" which are
technically directories, or "bundles" as Apple calls them, rather
than plain files.

The issue I think it's not that the app is deliberately removing
the .svn directory. Rather it's that to save the "document", it first
creates an entirely new directory/bundle in a temporary location,
puts all the current data in it, then removes the old document/bundle
(along with its .svn directory and anything else the app doesn't know
about, unfortunately) and moves the new document/bundle in place.

Apple already fixed Xcode to preserve the .svn directory in these
cases. Apple could make similar changes to their other applications.
You could file bugs with Apple.


> Once the admin folder is gone, it should be dead-simple for SVN to
> restore it. Why isn't this possible yet? I looked around and the
> only recommendations are to move the folders contents to another
> location, then svn-update (which could take a long time if there
> are a lot of files), then move the contents back in. I have to do
> this every single time I save the project in these applications.
> Any other workarounds? Or is the SVN team working on a better way
> to restore admin folders?

Actually Subversion recently (Subversion 1.5) got the ability to
check out and update over an existing directory. So I think you can
do this:

svn update --force path/to/your/document

And it will recreate the .svn directory.

On the other hand, I believe there is a plan to totally rewrite the
working copy code, so that .svn directories aren't strewn into every
directory (and thus every document bundle). Once that's done, this
issue fixes itself.

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Received on 2008-12-02 02:29:29 CET

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