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Only one username per realm stored in cached credentials

From: shannon carey <rehevkor5_at_gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2008 21:23:18 -0500

In my experience, authenticating to a realm with a certain user/password
will cause that information to overwrite any other stored credentials which
were for the same realm.

Why is this a problem?

I have two users which interact with my repositories. My main user which
has rw access but no access to the synched backup repositories, and my
backup user which has r access but can commit to the synched backup

The synch is run via a scheduled task, with --username specified as the
backup user. As long as the backup user's credentials are cached, it's ok.
However, if I perform a commit and provide my rw user's credentials, those
overwrite the backup user's credentials... You can see the fix I am in.

I could solve this problem by putting the backup user's password and
--no-auth-cache (or whatever) directly in the scheduled task's command line,
but that is less than desirable.

Does anybody anticipate a way that SVN could allow multiple user credentials
to be cached per realm?


-Shannon Carey
Received on 2008-07-15 04:23:58 CEST

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