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Re: Can I have a svn:keywords value set default to the whole project?

From: KM <info4km_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2008 07:10:28 -0700 (PDT)

This can also be set on the server globally, at least on UNIX.&nbsp; I am not sure on Windows, but it is probably possible there too.&nbsp; Of course then it is set for all repositories/projects.&nbsp; You may set it by file type though, via extensions etc.&nbsp; Take a look in the manual, I can't remember the specifics.

--- On Sun, 6/8/08, Steven Woody &lt;narkewoody_at_gmail.com&gt; wrote:

From: Steven Woody &lt;narkewoody_at_gmail.com&gt;
Subject: Re: Can I have a svn:keywords value set default to the whole project?
To: "Kevin Grover" &lt;kevin_at_kevingrover.net&gt;
Cc: users_at_subversion.tigris.org
Date: Sunday, June 8, 2008, 11:00 PM

On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 1:31 AM, Kevin Grover &lt;kevin_at_kevingrover.net&gt;
&gt; On Sun, Jun 8, 2008 at 1:33 AM, Steven Woody &lt;narkewoody_at_gmail.com&gt;
&gt;&gt; I am surprised that I have to manually set svn:keywords on every new
&gt;&gt; file in my project? Is there a better method?
&gt;&gt; Thanks.
&gt;&gt; -
&gt;&gt; narke
&gt; In short, no.
&gt; You can edit the (per user) Subversion configuration and turn on
&gt; auto-props. That will allow you have any added files automatically
&gt; get whatever default properties you want.
&gt; This is not an ideal solution because there's no way to associate this
&gt; with a repository: it's a per-user setting - all users need to make
&gt; sure their config (UNIX: ~/.subversion/config, Win:
&gt; %APPDATA%\Subversion\config) file is edited correctly.
&gt; On a per repository basis, you could add a pre-commit hook script that
&gt; checks added files for required properties and refuses the commit if
&gt; they are not present. This can help to keep things consistent, but I
&gt; also think having the ability to set these by repository would be
&gt; cleaner.
&gt; - Kevin

Thank you. Hope the feature will be implemented in furthur subversion.

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Received on 2008-06-09 16:10:50 CEST

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