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RE: Changelist Support

From: Paul Koning <Paul_Koning_at_dell.com>
Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2008 11:07:37 -0500

>>>>> "Eric" == Eric Desjardins <eric.desjardins_at_ubisoft.com> writes:

 Eric> Sure,

 Eric> Changelist: An atomic change transaction in Perforce. The
 Eric> changes specified in the changelist are not stored in the depot
 Eric> until the changelist is submitted to the depot.

 Eric> Basically, you can move changed files into an entity on the
 Eric> server that is called a changelist which is a list of changed
 Eric> file that remains local until you submit.

 Eric> Then you can submit you entire changelist. It is either totally
 Eric> accepted or rejected if it conflicts.

That's how Subversion always works. You don't to ask for it with
special magic.

 Eric> You can work on multiple changelist at a time (on a same
 Eric> checkout) and can submit work by using changelist.

Subversion doesn't have that, explicitly. But it's trivial to do this
with a decent shell. I normally create a list of changed files (often
by doing an "svn status" and looking over the output, then pruning).
I then feed that to other svn commands:

  svn diff `cat changelist1`
  svn ci -m "submit work item 1" `cat changelist1`


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Received on 2008-02-07 17:18:11 CET

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