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Re: how to add $Id$ automatically

From: Scott Gifford <sgifford_at_suspectclass.com>
Date: 2007-11-21 04:18:27 CET

"p karthik" <karthik1212@gmail.com> writes:

> Hi Sohail,
> Even I don't think adding $Id$ would break the application in any way. I know
> that we are just adding the version information to the file.
> But the thing is, as we are now in a end to end testing phase, which involves a
> lot of resources, we would be needing patches for all the defect fixes which
> arise during the testing.
> As we are against the "cherry-picking" concept, which means we don't take only
> some files from Subversion to build a patch, implies we need to take each and
> every file for the deployment if it has changed for any reason. If we modify
> the files by adding $Id$ in to the file those require a commit and consequently
> they would be going as a patch which would have huge number of files, and which
> is not intended as a deployment downtime per se.
> So the only way I have is to add this $Id$ with out actually commiting, but the
> files should be having $Id$ in Subversion.

Hi Karthik,

That really sounds like a problem with your process. The post-commit
hook you are looking for will have the exact same end result as
checking everything out, modifying the appropriate files, then
committing the results. The only difference is that it will take
longer, and be easier to make a mistake that could cause damage to
your SVN archive, or corrupt the files in unexpected ways.

If your processes require you to do things in a more difficult and
error prone way to achieve the same results with the same or worse
risk of breakage, you should take a look at fixing them.

I know that's not what you wanted to hear, but hopefully it's helpful
anyways. Good luck,


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Received on Wed Nov 21 04:18:57 2007

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