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RE: post commit hook help

From: Fredrik Arenhag <fredrik_at_musicbrigade.com>
Date: 2007-07-08 20:58:49 CEST

Hello, I just spent the last few days reviving my dev-server from a --hard
drive crash.
I'm running Subversion 1.4.4 and Apache 2.0.59 on a Windows XP machine
(spare me the *nix lectures please ;) ).
Everything works just fine except that I can't get my post-commit hook
working. I've spent the last four hours fiddling with this and I'm
really at my wits end here.

I put the post-commit.bat in the proper folder, and I know it runs (it
can create files and such), it also works exactly the way I want if I
run it manually (it checks out the repository in a local folder, for web

But for some reason it doesn't work when cHello, I just spent the last few days reviving my dev-server from a hard
drive crash.
I'm running Subversion 1.4.4 and Apache 2.0.59 on a Windows XP machine
(spare me the *nix lectures please ;) ).
Everything works just fine except that I can't get my post-commit hook
working. I've spent the last four hours fiddling with this and I'm
really at my wits end here.

I put the post-commit.bat in the proper folder, and I know it runs (it
can create files and such), it also works exactly the way I want if I
run it manually (it checks out the repository in a local folder, for web

But for some reason it doesn't work when called as an actual
post-commit. If I try to log the output to a file it works fine when run
manually, I get all the messages nicely in that file, but when run as a
post-commit I just get emptyness. The output file is created, but
there's nothing in it. Not even an error message.

Currently my post-commit.bat looks like this:
"c:\program files\subversion\bin\svn.exe" update --non-interactive

I'm sure I've made a really simple mistake somewhere, I've had this
setup work before, but I just can't find it.

Please help.


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Received on Sun Jul 8 20:59:13 2007

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