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Re: GUI Diff on Repository HEAD and "a" directory?

From: Jeff Smith <jsmith_at_robotronics.com>
Date: 2007-04-06 00:33:16 CEST

On Saturday 31 March 2007 19:30, Tom Malia wrote:
> I'm beginning to settle into the SVN way and I do like it.  Though
> I must say the loss of the ability to diff against the HEAD of a
> repository is still a bit of a pain for.  Me, I know I can export
> the HEAD and Diff against that, it's just inconvenient is all.  But
> no product will ever have the perfect combination of all the
> features someone might want.  The advantages of SVN certainly seem
> to far out way the few disadvantages when I compare it VSS.

Don't worry I can't be offended in this case... I'm not one of the VSS
users, but I saw that the ones are who were telling you that the only
reason you required the feature was to work around VSS flaws.

This is why I'm still puzzled... When did you lose "the ability to
diff against the HEAD of a repository"? I have not lost that ability.

Oh, maybe you mean where svn itself cannot 'diff' between it's
repository and a directory not in the SVN, i.e. a VSS WC (working
copy)? If so then I still don't see why you are saying you've lost
the ability. There are plenty of tools (including your
Visual-whatever IDE you mentioned) that can show a Diff between two
folders on your filesystem. Just compare the SVN WC with the VSS
code. There is just no reason to 'export' from SVN, as we both agree
that is inconvenient (are you using the term "export" incorrectly?).
If by chance you mean that you don't already have an SVN WC then why
not? You'd be setting up your own inconvenience.

To continue my unnecessary rant [which is not directed only to you],
why waste our time searching for the "system that already does
exactly what we want"? Computers were not invented to work that way.
IMO Microsoft has gone WAY in the wrong direction with the
pre-packaged know-nothing approach. Why not program/script the sytem
to do exactly what we WANT? This is how SVN was designed (not to
mention GNU/Linux in general), and VSS is not stopping it. I do
believe, however that Microsoft is successfully causing either
temporary or severe brain paralysis in most users. I saw this not
only as a technical support provider, but as a Microsoft user.

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Received on Fri Apr 6 00:34:49 2007

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