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RE: Pros and cons of significantly large repositories

From: James Oltmans <joltmans_at_bolosystems.com>
Date: 2007-04-05 23:00:19 CEST

Using multiple repositories for code that you may want to merge together
is a bad use of multiple repositories. I do not recommend it. Separating
your documentation from your source code would be a fine separation but
the documents aren't likely to take up a lot of space and the separation
might make it harder to find.


The consultant that got us started on the Subversion road recommended
storing the binary builds in the same repository. I personally believe
that if your binaries are quite large it would be a better idea to just
back them up somewhere else like some other repository or just on disk
(if they go poof you should be able to rebuild them right?). There are
pros and cons to each side of the argument, but my advice would be to
pay attention to how big the binary is and realize that the binary will
increase the size of the repository by the size of the binary if you are
popping them into separate labeled release folders. Unless you are
loading them all into the same folder/location, you will not get the
benefits of the binary diff.


There's my two cents, hope it helps.




From: Andrew R Feller [mailto:afelle1@lsu.edu]
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2007 12:52 PM
To: users@subversion.tigris.org
Subject: Pros and cons of significantly large repositories




My company is currently trying to use Subversion not only to store code
for new projects but also dumping of binary builds and internal
documentation (processes, meetings, etc). The question most often asked
is "Are you going to use a single repository or multiple repositories?"
I know a Subversion repository can hold any amount of data, but I want
to know is:


What are the pros and cons for having really large repositories versus
multiple, smaller repositories?

What experiences have people had with repository administration and
general usage that have made a particular choice good or bad?


I appreciate your feedback and insight!




Received on Thu Apr 5 22:59:31 2007

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