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new user trying to get a concept

From: smakawhat <smakawhat_at_yahoo.com>
Date: 2007-03-07 20:35:35 CET

Hi all, I have spent time playing around with subversion and I think it's a pretty neat looking tool. I am thinking of getting this into use for our development and production website environments which run on IIS using classic ASP for now and eventually .NET. I am also using Tortoise to do the checkouts/commits create a repository, make working copies so far. Keep in mind I am doing this all with Tortoise as well.
  Well I understand this idea of checking out stuff and what the purpose of this tool is for. What I am stuck on is how to deploy this and set it up properly in our existing environment so that the developers can't "circumvent" subversions purpose.
  I'll explain what I am getting stuck on. This is our current setup which I am sure you all have seen. We have development server "D", containing classic ASP pages. We modify these and copy over the changes to production server "P". We have only 2 developers doing this who have access by network shares.
  What I am getting stuck on is once I import the contents of the development into a repository (I made it on the D server), and the two developers can commit and make changes and all that stuff to their local working copies.. I notice there is nothing from stopping either developer from working on the D server to alter the original files that are in the repository. Also when the developer has commited his changes to the repository, how do I get these onto the server from subversion??
  This of course would also happen for the P server as well, cause both developers have local shares to the P and D servers to copy over the ASP pages regardless of what is in the repository. So what am I missing for deployment here? I thought about making the actual web site on development a working copy but that obviously makes no sense...
  I do have things set up as fsfs for the repository cause of the network share access.
  Forgive what is probably an obvious thing I am missing, but I have been playing with this thing for days. I can make the repository, set up working copies, but I can't figure out how to prevent people from altering the development (and eventually the production) web files on the server without going through subversion first.
  What am I missing? My brain is just not hacking this right now.
  Thanks all,

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Received on Wed Mar 7 20:36:06 2007

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