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restrict access to files in a directory (again)

From: Ronald Paloschi <ronald_at_audaces.com.br>
Date: 2007-03-02 17:35:55 CET

Hi all,

This is my first message to the Subversion list. Im using the system for
aproximately a month by now and I'm really impressed.
In the past years I've used some version control systems, but SVN is
already my choice for it.

All the needed config and basic install has been done and its working
fine here, using apache and authenticating on my LDAP server. Here, I
have to thak for the people who put all that documentation at our
disposal. :-)

The only thing I figured out to be necessary and I where unable to do
and find how to do its as follows:

- I have a C++ system and some dependencies (libraries);
- Everything is under version control.

On the special case, for the libraries, I need to have 2 levels of
access, one for the developers who keep the code for this library with
total access and control. Other level to the developers that only uses
this library, they dont need the entyre source code.
As being a C++ project (the people who know the language will understand
better), for the guys who will only "use" the library, we need to
provide access only to the actual bynari of the library (a lib file),
and for the .h files. (They dont need to access the .cpp files for

So, what I need is to have these 2 levels of access, on the same
directory, for some users, total control. For others, that they be able
to only read the binaries and the .h files (not the .cpp files), is that
possible? (I dont want to put the files on different folders... )

I figured many ways to to that but, to be honest, none worked.
Can someone have a tip to help me.

Thanks in advance.

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Received on Fri Mar 2 17:33:41 2007

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